Tuesday, 14 September 2021

Everyone is special. So, really, no-one is special

Just now, I made a modest offering to Tyr. Hoping to strengthen my relationship with him, but also as a means to commemorate my new training regimen. Who better than the Lord of Oaths to keep in mind when intending to form a new, positive habit. Discipline, personal development and martial arts are all things that I consider to be within his field of influence.

Don't get me wrong, though. I'm not really the kind of heathen who makes offerings to every god, wight and ancestor all the time. Far from it. I appreciate for some people that is a means for them to feel like they are really "doing heathen" properly. But I feel that offerings made less often have more meaning. It wasn't a major offering on my part, just a dram of single malt scotch. Hardly gonna break the bank, that. I hope the gift is received as it was given.

I've made the decision to put more of my time and energy into my own health and fitness, as well as both studying and practicing my martial art. Knowing how easily I can be swayed to give up on such enterprises in the past, an inaugural offering to Tyr seemed appropriate. I'm not asking him for make me do it. I know discipline and willpower don't work like that. The offering is just there to remind me how important this is to me right now - lest my interest wanes again.

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