Monday, 16 August 2021

Butterflies aren't very heathen

Exciting times here with us. In a few days, we will be camping with fellow heathens from the Northwest Heathens Facebook Group. Because of this, even a curmudgeonly old scrote like me is starting to feel a little pressure to up my heathen game.

Normally, our family's brand of heathenry is very understated. Other than "looking a bit metal" which, in some circles has now come to be interpreted as "looking a bit heathen", we don't really advertise our heathenry or practice overtly. But, as one of the things about this camping trip that will make it extra-special is that it will be heathen-themed, I don't suppose it'll hurt to be a little more "obviously heathen" in what I say and do.

So, what I will likely do is return to my previous habit of greeting the day, from Sigrdrífumál:

Hail day,
hail the sons of day,
hail to the night and daughter of night.
With eyes of kindness
look upon us
and give to us who sit here victory.
Hail the Aesir,
hail Asynjur,
hail to the all-giving earth.
Fair speech and wisdom
give to us famous ones
and healing hands as long as we live.

If I recall correctly, I've actually posted this before, albeit a different translation. It is a good prayer to know as it is fully-attested in the Eddas and works very well as a simple, daily devotion. Useful perhaps to new heathens to help them feel they're "doing something heathen", which I know from experience can be of great value when first starting out upon one's path.

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