Tuesday, 1 February 2022

Extrapolating upon #AUN2023 plans

First of all, what is the Year of Aun? To find out, visit the Nordic Animism Youtube channel.

I've been giving some more consideration toward my plans for the Year of Aun next year after having watched Rune Hjarno Rasmussen's video review of the book "Sand Talk", by Tyson Yunkaporta.

Having watched this, especially the part discussing how people from non-urban cultures experience loneliness in western "civilised" society, I have thought something else would be important to work upon for the Year of Aun. Just as Rune describes other cultures having a much closer connection to friends and family, I remember as a child being made to associate with both sides of my family. My mother was the eldest of ten children. Every weekend, ourselves and the families of my uncles and aunts would gather at the home of my grandmother. There would often be more than a dozen of us, all in a small house. Making food, discussing the world, playing and laughing together. Similarly, even though my father was, in contrast, an only child I would spend school holidays at his mum and dad's house (my other grandparents). My mother worked on a farm, so rather than be left alone in our house, I was looked after by my elderly grandparents. This is was a great learning experience for me.

So, I am hoping to make a concerted effort to spend more time in the company of my family, both in-laws and blood relations. I am usually something of a curmudgeonly old sod who prefers his own company. My in laws have always been more gregarious than myself. Very welcoming from the outset, I certainly felt like a part of the family from the first time my wife introduced us. I will work to be more engaged and involved with everything going on.

My brother and sister have always been kept at something of a distance. That is just how our family did things. This month, though, we are planning a get-together. The first since our mother passed last summer. Again, I will strive to strengthen my connection to each of them and their families. All in the name of engendering a closer connection to my fellow man.

Less time spent on social media wouldn't go amiss, either. ;)

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