Tuesday, 27 July 2021

Vikings: The Final Season - End of an era?

Our family (well, my wife and I) have just finished watching the final season of the television phenomena that is Vikings. Season 6 Part 2 (?) was, in my own estimation entertaining enough. Probably the best season since season 4. The episodes since then I, personally, found a bit of a drag to watch.

Without giving away too many spoilers, the final season was entertaining and had enough in the way of battles to keep the excitement going. I can't help but feel that the show would have been better concluded by adding the first episode of this season onto the end of the last and then calling it quits there. There were one or two nice surprises in the remaining episodes but all in all the show's story could have been told in approximately half as many seasons/episodes and would have made for a much more engaging narrative.

But, when things get popular, money demands that every last penny is drained from the corpse of the show before the producers move on to something else. If people will keep watching, shows will continue to be made - regardless of the quality.

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