Again, the havamal provides us with our subject heading. I've been paying more than my customary attention to online heathen groups and fora of late. They're becoming quite active with speculation regarding when meatspace moots, festivals and gatherings might be possible again, as well as mostly conjecture about the forthcoming 2021 census.
Something I have noticed, though, is a lot of people coming to these groups with preconceived notions about the nature of other heathens. "All heathens do x" or "All heathens think y" commonly features in their body of their posts and messages. Some of these heathens even get upset when people respond with their own experiences which contradict.
Now, it is easy to come across as saying "sit down and shut up" with this, but that is not what is required at all. Online groups benefit when everyone feels comfortable and able to add their own beliefs, opinions and experiences into the mix. It is possible to do this, however, and still be inclusive and open to the experiences of others. None of us know everything there is to know about heathenry. None of us are "doing heathen" 100% correct. One of the ways we can be better heathens, though, is to listen to other heathens, be open to their experiences and thoughts and, where appropriate, incorporate them into the foundations of our own paths.
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